Who we are

We empower
individuals seeking future financial success

Hyperion Asset Management exists to sustainably grow clients’ capital over the long term. We aim to achieve this by investing in businesses that we believe have superior and sustainable economics. We have the mindset of long-term business owners, not short-term traders, with the long-term growth of those businesses core to our philosophy. Due to this, our products are likely to be appropriate for a consumer for use as a minor or satellite allocation who is seeking capital growth and has a very high risk and return profile for that portion of their investment portfolio. It is likely to be consistent with the financial situation and needs of a consumer with a five-year investment timeframe and who is unlikely to need to withdraw their money on less than one week’s notice.


Morningstar Fund Manager of the Year.


Morningstar and Money Management Fund Manager of the Year.


*Over $15 billion funds under management. *As at 30 September 2024


Typically 15 to 30 stocks in a portfolio.


Established in 1996.
Why choose Hyperion?

We exist to sustainably grow clients’ capital over the long term

We seek to construct and manage share portfolios to grow clients’ capital over the long term by investing in businesses that take an economically sustainable approach. Our core belief is that portfolios managed in a disciplined manner in accordance with Hyperion’s investment process and philosophy will produce attractive investment returns over the long term.

Our Values and Beliefs

We are Hardworking and Research Driven , not Marketing Driven

Our Decision-Making Framework is Evidence, Merit and First Principles-Based

We Think Long Term; Share Price Declines do not Drive our Behaviour or Decision Making

We are Alpha Focused

We see Ourselves as Business Owners, not Share Traders

We are Generalists who Place the Collective First

We believe that persistence pays

Long-term capital growth is a core part of our investment philosophy as we see risk as permanent loss of capital, not short-term market price volatility.

*Investment of $100k since 1 June 2014, as at 30 September 2024. These are historical investment returns. Returns are net of applicable fees and costs. Performance is calculated on the basis that any distributions are reinvested.

Disclaimer: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Investors who apply for units directly with the Responsible Entity may pay a different price per unit than an investor who purchases those units on the ASX at the same time, and such differences may have a material impact on the performance of that investment. The above performance reflects the performance of the Fund where units are purchased and redeemed directly with the Responsible Entity only.

The Fund changed its name from Hyperion Global Growth Companies Fund on 5 February 2021 in order to facilitate quotation of the Fund on the ASX. Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) of the Fund, which provides more complete information on the Fund, in its entirety before making an investment decision.

▬▬ Hyperion Global Growth Companies Fund (Managed Fund)

▬▬ MSCI World Accumulation Index (AUD)

Source: Hyperion, MSCI

Our funds

Your investment opportunities

At Hyperion, we offer a choice of three funds to align with a range of investment goals.
Each portfolio has one common objective – to deliver economically sustainable, long-term outperformance for our investors.

Hyperion Asset Management’s domestic and global company profiles are now available for viewing

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